November 4, 2016

3rd meeting of the Consortium of Stakeholders

The 3rd meeting of the Consortium of Stakeholders of Gyaros took place on Thursday 3rd and Friday 4th of November 2016 in Ermoupolis Syros. During the meeting, Professor Papadopoulos of the Harokopio University presented the findings of the scientific socioeconomic research that the University implemented in Syros and Andros. Following Professor Papadopoulo’s presentation, the members of the Consortium were informed about the legal framework of historical sites and protected areas of Greece, listened to a presentation about examples of marine protected areas in Greece as well as the ecosystem based management and spatial planning reports and the Special Environmental Study that have been prepared for Gyaros. Finally, the members formed working groups whereby they formulated proposals to promote and protect the island.

For more see here.