The Laboratory of Marine Geology and Marine Geology finished the technical report on the mapping of marine priority habitat such as seagrass beds and coralligenous reefs in the marine area of Gyaros. The report is based on the scientific field survey that was conducted during the summer of 2014 from the team of Professor Papatheodorou, of the department of Geology and with the participation of the WWF Greece CYCLADES LIFE field team.
According to all the data, over 50% of the marine area of Gyaros is covered by marine habitats such as seagrass beds, in Greek fikiades and coralligenous formations in Greek known as traganes. Both habitats are of high ecological value and safeguard a healthy coastal environment. They are both protected by the Regulation for fishery in the Mediterranean EC 1967/2006.
The protection of these marine habitats is one of the goals of the CYCLADES LIFE project. The report is part of a series of preparatory studies that took place for the purposes of the project. The scientific data that they will provide will allow the design of management measures for their protection by all the relevant stakeholders.