October 9, 2014

The unique deep blue of Gyaros

Professor Papatheodorou of the University of Patras presented the impressive results of the mapping of the marine habitats of the Natura area of Gyaros to the CYLADES LIFE team. In July, a 10 day field expedition was organised by professor Papatheodorou and his team from the Laboratory of Marine Geology and Oceanography, at the island of Gyaros for the purposes of the CYCLADES LIFE preparatory actions. The team worked tiressly, using state of the art equipment as well as ground truthing methods in order to acquire a complete image of the sea bottom. The results surpassed any expectations and confirmed the existence of unique marine habitats within the Natura area of the island, strenghtening thus the case for their immediate protection. No other Natura marine area in Greece has been mapped in such detail.


© G.Rigoutsos/WWF Greece